Sagittarius and love 23/11 - 22/11

Sagittarius is wise, open-minded, honest, loving, intelligent, honest, enthusiastic and an energetic lover. Sagittarius needs a long-term relationship, but also needs freedom. It can take a while, a committed relationship, because Sagittarius has a fear of making commitments. Sagittarius is an entertaining partner and wants her or his partner to be a buddy too. Not a calm, boring, predictable life for Sagittarius, but spontaneous adventures. Because Sagittarius doesn't like negative people, she or he does everything to avoid them. An overly affectionate partner with a negative attitude is therefore not a match. Sagittarius wants to assist and support her or his partner, but abhors interdependence, jealousy and possessive partners. Which horoscope is best for Sagittarius?
The perfect zodiac match:
Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Two Sagittarians are a perfect match. No nasty fights, irritations or other relationship problems. They can be fierce and hot-tempered at each other, but when they're mad they feel even more connected. With their dynamic and driven character they discover together what pleasant things life has to offer them.
goes well with:
Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio
Aries and Sagittarius are a good match, especially sexually this couple has a lot in common. Both love instant sex, whenever or wherever. However, an Aries-Sagittarius relationship can be problematic. One moment Sagittarius declares his or her undying love and the next moment Sagittarius wants to go on vacation without Aries, leaving Aries amazed and jealous.
Not a match with:
Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces
Sagittarius and Taurus are not a match, Taurus is naturally possessive and jealous. Since Sagittarius hates being pinned down and restricted, it's hard for both of them to be happy in this relationship. Sagittarius loves home and hearth just like Taurus, but certainly not day in and day out.