Cuffing Season, when the nights are long and cold. It starts when the leaves fall from the trees and it ends when the young greenery can be seen again in the spring. During these colder months of the year, singles behave differently. We see that during this period singles are more motivated than usual to find a partner.

About the name: ‘Cuffing Season’
The term Cuffing Season is borrowed from the American police films in which crooks are handcuffed: handcuffs. Cuffing therefore means that you put someone in cuffs in order to get through the dark cold months. When the days get longer and the temperatures are higher again, the handcuffs can be taken off and the former sweethearts each go their own way into the spring
Why do we do this?
The cold and shorter days encourage you to spend more time at home. As a single person, this often also means that you are more alone. Being a bit lonely, you may find that one flirt that you initially didn't find worthwhile suddenly becomes a lot more tolerant and interesting.
And, the upcoming holidays are not necessarily 'the most wonderful time of the year' for singles. Well-intentioned questions about why you're still alone, or where your +1 is, can sometimes be hurtful and irritating. As if it is not enough that you are there, you are not complete without a significant other while you yourself do not experience it that way at all. Sometimes it is just easier and more fun to pick up that special friend a little more and drag him/her to all the drinks and dinners.
So pay attention, now that Cuffing Season has started, it is possible that your old flame suddenly flirts with you again. Maybe love has really blossomed, but it may well be that the intentions are not sincere and you are alone again in the spring.