Divorce occurs in almost 70% of cases on the initiative of the woman. This is according to research by Michael Rosen, a sociologist at Stanford University. The main reason a woman files for divorce is that there are generally fewer benefits for the woman within the marriage than for the man. Women feel more responsible within the family and therefore take on more tasks.

In many cases, the women are the absolute first line when it comes to taking care of the children. If a child is ill, in 9 out of 10 cases the mother will stop working and drive to the nursery or school to pick up the child. At children's parties, it is the mothers of the invited children who are in the birthday-app-group and are kept informed of the wish list, the date & time and any dress code for the little ones. Yes, of course the father of the birthday girl/boy also makes an appearance in the app group. He usually sents the photos that are taken during the party. By him. Because mom will take care of the rest.
In addition, they often take care of most household chores, ensure that the entire family's wardrobe is complete, choose the weekly menu and take care of the purchase of the ingredients for this. They maintain social contacts with the neighbourhood, with school and with the sports clubs. Plan the dentist and doctor visits and if possible they do some volunteer work for school or the sports club. After all, you want to show your involvement in the community.
Marriage stress
Selly Taylor, a psychology professor at the University of California, investigated the difference in stress levels between men and women in marriage. Not surprisingly, it turns out that women experience more stress within marriage than men. This has everything to do with the tasks that await a woman when she comes home. When men come home after a working day, their stress level decreases. In women, on the other hand, the stress level rises. In fact, the difference is so great that men only need to think about their wives to become more relaxed. In women, the thought of their husband and/or home only creates more stress.
Divorced women reinvent themselves
Once separated, we also see a different process in men and women. Women often go to work with themselves. They develop themselves and reinvent themselves. They go sports, go to a different hairdresser, look for a good coach or finally do the training they have always wanted to do. According to British research, most women are happier after a divorce than within marriage.
The magic refrigerator turns out to be an illusion
For men, a divorce feels more like failure than it does for the woman. Divorce feels like a failure and we see that men are much more likely to look for a new partner. Being alone is not a good fit for a man. When some men find themselves alone, they discover that they do not have a magic laundry basket. The magic refrigerator and magic wardrobe also turn out to be an illusion. There used to be someone who made sure that these were empty, filled or cleaned up. In addition, he quickly wants the warmth, cosiness and care of a woman again. In his search we see that men look for a partner in a completely different way. They don't have a list of requirements, but above all they want to have a little fun with her. He wants to be able to laugh with her, she has to look a bit nice and they have to have some conversation. Women want their new partner to be "better" than their ex. They never want to end up in the pre-divorce situation where she felt more like Cinderella than Michelle Obama. A new partner is very welcome but women are more careful than men in making the choice.
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